Lead Nurturing – Email Marketing

The process of developing relationships with potential customers through email marketing.

How to generate leads from Email Marketing?

Sent interesting and personalized emails that encourage people to click on links and fill out their contact information on your landing pages.

An example plan for Email Marketing Campaign;

Lets say we want to generate 100 qualified leads per month.

First we want to target B2B (Business to Business) marketing managers and small business owners and so forth

We need to provide something free attached to service in question maybe a free e-book or trial credit basically something you sell in exchange with money

Then you need to Create and publish blog posts, videos, and infographics regularly.

Design optimized pages with clear CTAs and lead capture forms.

    • Run targeted ads on Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook or Tiktok or any suitable channel which brings relevant traffic to your service or product.
    • Optimize content for SEO
    • Use email newsletters and automated follow-ups especially focus on re-targeting your audience with constant email campaigns.

      Here below recommended email marketing frequencies:

      Stage of Purchasing Process Email Marketing Frequency
      Initial Interest Once a week
      Active Research 2-3 times a week
      Decision Making Daily or every other day
      Ready to Purchase Daily or every other day
      Post-Purchase Once a week
      • Utilize marketing automation tools for email campaigns and lead generation and retention

        lead generation automation service

        • Track metrics and analyze performance using analytics tools.
        • Adjust strategies based on insights for this please check also here

Timeline Summary

  • Week 1-2: Set objectives, define audience, and create value proposition.
  • Week 3-4: Develop content and design landing pages especially focusing on the service or product in question so visitors won`t spend additional time and brain to understand your product.
  • Month 2: Launch campaigns and set up lead generation process.
  • Month 3: Monitor and optimize performance most importantly don`t spend any time or money the campaigns with no return or attraction from visitors.
  • Ongoing: Once you reached certain amount of users or clients keep expand your retention with existing customer base , cause getting clients is one thing but keeping them on the long run is another.

If you don`t want to deal with all those steps check Page Business

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