Cached Page

A version of a web page that has been saved by Google on their servers the last time they visited it.

  • How to view cached pages on Google

    • Search for the page on Google.
    • Click on the down arrow next to the URL.
    • Select “Cached” from the drop-down menu to view the cached version.
  • How to refresh a page while clearing cache

    On Windows/Linux: Press Ctrl + F5.

    • On Mac: Press Command + Shift + R.
    • This reloads the page and clears the browser cache for that specific page.
  • How to see cached pages in Chrome

    • Open Chrome and visit the desired webpage.
    • Right-click anywhere on the page and select “View Page Source” or press Ctrl + U (Cmd + Option + U on Mac).
    • In the source code, find the URL you want to view cached.
    • Copy the URL and paste it into Chrome’s search bar.
    • Add the word “cache:” before the URL and press Enter

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