Dedicated IP

An IP address that is assigned to a single sender. Every domain has one static IP.

If you need a custom or new IP for your email campaign check here.

Closely related to IP Warm Up

  • Improved deliverability
    Dedicated IP`s close to none score so Mail Servers receives them with no Spam (If you kept continue on spam in Mail Marketing, dedicated IP`s have no difference) and more expensive option compare to shared IP solutions. If your Emailing needs is higher than usually needed, Dedicated IP`s are highly recommended.
  • Control over sender reputation
    Means you only responsible from your own actions compare to shared domains others Emailing activities can effect yours also.
  • Consistent email performance
    Means there is no unpredictable or sudden fluctuations in delivery rates or engagement metrics acceptance rate is very high or getting marked as spam is super low.
  • Enhanced security
    Domain extension is under control so there is no outgoing connection or messy IP`s mixing up the situation increasing spam score.
  • Personalized IP warm-up
    Gradually increase the Email sending rate and IP warm up depends on when the domain purchased also before activating.
  • Better brand recognition
    Extension belongs to your brand or website [email protected] giving more trust and this directly effects opening rate, CTR and finally Bounce Rate.

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