Spam Complaint Rate

Spam complaint rate shows the percentage of people who mark your email as spam.

How to calculate Spam Complaint Rate?

In calculation below shows how to calculate the rate.

calculation of spam complaint rate

Why is it important to maintain Spam Complaint Rate low?

  • Reputation: A high spam complaint rate can hurt your reputation with email providers, meaning future emails might end up in spam folders indefinitely.
  • Deliverability: If too many people mark your emails as spam, it can become harder for your emails to reach inboxes please also check Blacklist
  • Compliance: Keeping an eye on this rate helps you follow anti-spam laws like CAN-SPAM, GDPR, and CASL.

    How to lower Spam Complaint Rate Score?

  • Get Permission: Use a double opt-in process to make sure people really want your emails this way they will not block your email and you can kept your complaint score low.
  • Easy Unsubscribe: Make it simple for people to unsubscribe from your emails with latest updates starting with Gmail then followed by Amazon SES and Brevo unsubscribe from email list became a must in every email being sent.unsubscribe from email
  • Relevant Content: Send content that your audience finds interesting by recipients more they interest more you get impression thus higher CTR (Click through rate).
  • Recognizable Sender: Use a sender name and email address that people recognize or most importantly brand name if you doing email marketing.
  • Right Frequency: Don’t send emails too often to avoid annoying your recipientsHere is the recommended frequency chart for outgoing emails
    Email Type Recommended Frequency What to look at?
    Newsletter Weekly or Bi-weekly Keep content relevant and valuable to maintain subscriber interest.
    Promotional Offers Monthly Avoid overloading with promotions to prevent unsubscribe rates from increasing.
    Product Updates Monthly or Quarterly Ensure updates are significant and beneficial to the user to justify the email.
    Event Invitations As Needed (2-3 reminders max) Send initial invite, one reminder a week before, and final reminder a day before the event.
    Welcome Emails Immediately upon subscription A single welcome email or a short series of 2-3 emails spread over the first week.
    Abandoned Cart Within 24 hours Follow up with 1-2 additional reminders over the next 3-5 days if no action is taken.
    Re-engagement Every 3-6 months Aim to win back inactive subscribers with exclusive offers or compelling content.
    Surveys/Feedback Quarterly Request feedback periodically to avoid fatigue and to show that you value customer opinions.
    Holiday Greetings Annually Send around major holidays to stay top-of-mind without overwhelming.
    Educational Content Bi-weekly or Monthly Provide valuable insights or tips relevant to your audience’s interests.
  • Engaging Content: Provide valuable and interesting content that your recipients will enjoy.

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