
Are you a website owner looking to boost your SEO ranking and increase your domain authority and page authority? Look no further than Backbone, the fully automated guest post exchange and matching service brought to you by Page Ads.

With Backbone, users can easily connect their websites to the exchange platform and enjoy the benefits of gaining relevant and high-quality articles. Our powerful engine matches each article based on its content and category, ensuring that you receive posts that align perfectly with your website’s niche and interests.

How it Works ?


The best part? It’s all done with just one click. By publishing these guest posts, you can significantly improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), driving more organic traffic to your site. Higher SEO rankings mean more exposure for your brand and increased potential for attracting new visitors and customers.


By participating in our guest post exchange, you have the flexibility to choose between automated or manual processes. If you prefer a more hands-off approach, our automation feature will handle the matching and publishing for you, saving you valuable time and effort. Alternatively, you can manually approve or reject guest posts to ensure they align with your website’s standards.


AI Matching: Our advanced AI technology ensures relevant articles are matched within these categories, maximizing the effectiveness of the guest post exchange.



  1. Automated Guest Post Exchange: Effortlessly connect and exchange articles with other websites.
  1. Relevant Article Matching: Receive guest posts that align with your website’s niche.
  1. Boost SEO Ranking: Improve visibility and attract more organic traffic.
  1. Increase Domain Authority: Establish credibility and trustworthiness.
  1. Enhance Page Authority: Improve rankings and visibility.
  1. One-Click Convenience: Streamlined process for publishing guest posts and maximizing benefits.


Backbone Recognize and Matches Contents for Guest Posts from these sectors below :