Hard Bounce

An email that has been returned (Couldn`t Delivered) to the sender due to a permanent reason, such as an invalid email address.

What reasons are causing hard bounce?

  • Invalid Email Address: The email address does not exist or has been entered incorrectly, In order to reduce Invalid Address situation you can use Bulk Email Checker or Email Verifier Services.
  • Nonexistent Domain: The domain of the recipient’s email address does not exist, no longer registered or in actively use.
  • Email Server Issues: The recipient’s email server has blocked delivery permanently. It can be caused also from a spam detection system of the mail service.
  • Recipient Email Address Blocked: The recipient has blocked incoming emails from the sender’s domain or email address by choice.
  • Inactive or Closed Email Account: The recipient’s email account is no longer active or has been closed.

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