Rich Media Ads

Interactive ads that include elements like video, audio, or other engaging features.

Difference between Standart Banners and Rich Media?

Feature Rich Media Standard Banners
Interactivity Offers high interactivity: video, animations, interactive elements Limited interactivity: static images or simple animations
Engagement High engagement due to interactive features Lower engagement compared to rich media
Creativity Allows for creative and dynamic ad experiences Limited creativity with static ad formats
File Size Larger file sizes due to multimedia content Smaller file sizes for quicker loading times
Performance Can potentially deliver higher click-through rates and conversions Generally lower click-through rates compared to rich media
Cost Often more expensive to produce and deploy Generally more cost-effective to produce and deploy
Ad Placement Suitable for premium placements and targeted campaigns Used in standard ad placements across websites
Examples Video ads, expandable ads, interactive ads Static images, GIFs, basic HTML5 animations

If you need Advertising with Rich Media content please check Prog Cloud.

rich media driven advertising platform

Prog Cloud

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