Backlink Packages are they effective and should you buy them ?


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backlink packages and how buy quality backlink packages

Before diving into details lets cover one thing straight link building process needs to be in natural order but in recent years and content abundance on the web pretty much every subject being covered over thousands of websites actual content coming from a few of them and the rest basically copying the same content many times.

Backlink Packages are they effective and should you buy them ?

Link building according to Google needs to be all natural meaning you shouldn’t do any link building effort on your website but it doesn’t devaluate your efforts also only with one condition if you doing backlink spamming Google will devalue your site and recover from that will took crazy amount of energy, time and money here is the guide how to recover from De-Indexing issues for you grasp the situation even more.

Before covering how should be the natural link building process should proceed let’s cover what you shouldn’t do with those backlink packages.

Most common problem buying these packages online is basically this cause those packages have no specific category it`s mostly from Web 2.0 blogs .edu link and comment backlinks and so forth.

For a new website if you perform this act your website will became lost cause in matter of seconds when google indexing them. Which is a another problem you are getting ranked with very low quality backlinks beside the category factor. If the indexing took too much time please read here for Backlink Indexers process.

Having a bad quality backlinks will effect your SEO effort from day one. So how should you choose the right backlink packages ? and what to look for ?

How to choose right Quality Backlink Packages ?

Basics of Link Building

What you should try to achieve in this step here it`s just give a initial kick on the Web so other websites and most importantly Google can interact with your content and place your website in the right place as a `Category `

In order to determine that category you should do your best to link building of your website from Higher DA (Domain Authority), PA (Page Authority),  DR (Domain Rating)  to your website. In this way Google will determine what you actually talking about on your site and most importantly you started with higher Domain Rating after this manual link building process backlink packages will be bought for not your main URL but for your articles cause we want to eliminate the bad ranking something called PBN Bridge

What is PBN Bridge ?

When you getting backlinks if they have a bad quality and you give direct links to your website it could effect your ranking in a bad way so what is the solution for that ? Easy you need a secondary page to gave the link first to that page after that from the secondary page to your original page. With this method according to our research on more than over 10k+ website you get %86 percent of the good ranking but when it comes to bad ranking you only effected by %24 which is great it`s like a insurance on a link building process or a filtering system lets called it.

How to spot and avoid bad Backlinks ?

Here is the detailed checklist to determine Bad Backlinks for your SEO

Recognize the Risk of Bad Backlinks

Understand that poorly sourced links can damage your site’s search engine visibility and even incur penalties here you can learn more about Google Spam Penalties

Avoid Link Schemes

Stay clear of easy fixes like paying for links, engaging with link farms, using private blog networks (PBNs) poor quality ones not every PBN built the same way, and participating in reciprocal linking schemes. These are red flags for search engines and could harm your site.

Optimise for Natural Linking

Always ensure that any link you create or earn comes from genuine engagement and provides real value to users. Links should make sense contextually and contribute to user understanding or experience and start from day one the UGC (User Generated Content) in your website like Blog or Case Studies will bring new keywords and updated topics and their answers so best advice to be give don’t underestimate the UGC effect on your website. Forum websites operates basically as UGC and users generate relative comments on the site which your main site will be benefiting from.

If your site is focused on a Niche topic provide visitors list of Q&A , Google wants to give the users answers for their searches in a short and clear way it`s possible. So do a little research don`t only rely on Ai generated content it`s easy if your site brings value to the viewers your site will became valuable.

Be Cautious with Directories and Widgets

If listing your business in directories, choose well-regarded ones that relate directly to your field. For widgets, make sure any embedded links have a nofollow attribute to avoid penalties. Not every link should be Do Follow cause directories is the number one place to go when you building links but Google knows that also and it automatically lowers the value of webpage.

What are nofollow links ?

Backlink Packages are they effective and should you buy them ?

Links that not pointing out to your Website or redirect to your website are considered as nofollow links. Most websites block dofollow attribute to avoid spamming in their website and share authority they built over years. But that doesn’t mean nofollow links aren’t beneficial they are if your website have a brand of its own and it helps you with referral traffic which is the best kind. Cause people directly searching for your Brand Keyword this is the best ranking factor when it comes to all those in the list.

Handle SEO Attacks and Spam Links Proactively

Watch out for unusual spikes in backlinks, which may indicate negative SEO. Regularly audit your backlink profile using reliable tools to identify and address unwanted or harmful links.

If you already get affected by negative SEO you can use Google Disavow Tool from Google Search Console it helps you telling Google I have no affiliation with this backlinks we will cover that in the next article. But in the meantime you can check from here about how Disavow Process Works ?

Clean Up Your Backlink Profile

If you identify toxic backlinks, try contacting the site owners to have them removed or modified to nofollow links. If that fails, use the Google Disavow Tool judiciously to tell Google to ignore these problematic links. Make sure you ended up with you Main Category in your Backlink profile.

Backlink Removal can cause more SEO value drops more than everything else. Cause Google considers this links being removed so your page had no longer have the Quality content so even if its spammy links make sure don’t remove important ones at once. Best way to do that changing them in time with quality backlinks so you can be sure about the value before removing them.

Build Relationships, Not Just Links

Focus on creating genuine connections with other webmasters, sharing useful content, and engaging actively in your industry’s community. Ethical link-building is about quality and relevance, not quantity. Let me give you an example imagine you have one million bad backlinks with no value or just one from Google itself, which one you think more beneficial for your site ? obviously Google


How to build links manually ?

Easy ! generate quality content and first Google will rank you and the other websites get backlinks from your site cause you have the best content.

When it comes to relationships you familiar with the sentence ` perception is reality `which it is even online became more real your Relationship with counterparties needs to be organic so your content needs to focus on Keyword Gaps on those sites to fill that information gap.

How to buy Quality backlinks ?

Understand the pros and cons of using backlink packages for your SEO strategy. Before buying backlinks make sure about Quality Backlink you are buying but right after you make your initial backlink profile manually.

Consider factors such as transparency of link building methods, reputation of the provider, and customer reviews before making a decision Page Ads have a great track record when it comes to link building with three products Quickblog, Backlink Gateway, Backlink Indexer

Backlink Gateway are selected websites mostly being built by Page Ads to ensure Category and Links placed are in top quality.


Page Ads – Emma Turner


Emma Turner

Emma Turner

Emma Turner, a digital marketing and SEO expert, has been actively involved in the field for over 12 years. After earning her business degree in 2009, Emma started her journey with a focus on web design. She has since evolved into a sought-after consultant for corporate firms, specializing in crafting SEO-driven content strategies that enhance online visibility. Emma remains dedicated to staying ahead of industry trends to provide clients with the latest and most effective solutions.

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