Key Metrics & Terms for Evaluating Domain Authority and Quality


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how to to evaluate Key Metrics & Terms for Domain Authority and Quality

When it comes to analyzing the SEO value of a website there are key metrics  makes it easier for you to understand the value of a Website.

All your SEO efforts accumulated in time and generate these values, every SEO analyzing tool calculates slightly different from each other.

For example Ahrefs general valuation is called DR (Domain Rating) but Semrush uses DA (Domain Authority) and Page Ads Keyword Research uses also known as Page Metrics uses DV (Domain Value)

Also for expired domains still a huge thing in SEO efforts these tools generally use for  multi rank checking for the website so you can get a clear image for SEO situation. In order to find expired domains you need a domain finder tools or you can search them via auctions like Namecheap offers :

Key Metrics & Terms for Evaluating Domain Authority and Quality

Namecheap Auction

Key Metrics & Terms for Evaluating Domain Authority and Quality

Expired Domain Marketplace

If you are looking for expired domains check the expired domain marketplace also from 32 different categories, so you can enjoy existing link juice from the previously operating website here are the details for expired domains.

Lets break it down the Domain Terms if you gonna use any sort of domain finder these are the metrics you should looking for.

What are the Key Metrics for Domains?

Example Good Quality Domain

Example average metrics for the Websites depending on the Quality or Organic Traffic.

Domain Authority Page Authority Spam Score Domain Rating Referring Domains Trust Flow URL Rating Citation Flow Domain Pop Domain Value
Well Established Website SEO Values 70 65 %2 75 500 50 55 40 500 80
Average Website / Growing 40 35 <%8 45 100 30 25 20 100 45
Low Ranking Website 15 10 >%40 12 20 10 5 4 20 8


  • DA: Domain Authority

Domain Authority measures the overall credibility of a website. DA and PA generally refer together as a SEO value of the website. Semrush`s own metric.

  • PA: Page Authority

Evaluate the strength of an individual webpage on your website

Indicates how risky or spam-like a website is, or other way to say this too many spammed or toxic backlinks referring a website considered also high spam score and evaluated in the Spam Score model. Click here for a comprehensive guide for how to avoid spam backlinks.

  • DR: Domain Rating

    Assess the overall quality and authority of a domain, Ahrefs very own metric (Very Reliable)

  • RD: Referring

    DomainsCounts how many unique websites link to your domain, you should focus on here not the quantity but the Quality of the incoming links.

  • TF: Trust Flow


Indicator for the quality of the links pointing out to your website, very important indication for the Rank it will get on Search Results.

  • UR: URL Rating

    Rate the strength of a specific URL based on incoming backlinks to your site. Articles or Pages you published on your website you can measure the value in specific with UR rating.

  • CF: Citation Flow


Rank the number and influence of links a site having, CF is also good for determining expired domains and their value- Reason is when domain expired values like DA PA and DR is getting lowered in time due some links getting broken (404) , but CF (Citation Flow) is a general / overall value of the website at the currently have.

  • DP: Domain Pop

Counts the total number of domains linking to a website, again not a direct indication, quality of that domains should be the biggest concern when you evaluating this.

  • DV: Domain Value

    Very similar to DR (Domain Rating) Page Ads own measuring value of the Domain in question. Basic difference is checking domain in more comprehensive way evaluation Ai generated content and links and not calculate them in the metric outcome.

    Ranking of SEO Metrics by Relative Importance

    Underneath metrics shared with their importance percentages, when you analyzing a website consider these metrics meant to SEO importance. As you can see Spam Score, Domain Authority and Domain Rating comes first subject when you evaluating a website, these metrics actually showing you to worthy and quality of the links.

    Domain Authority (DA) %32
    Domain Rating (DR) %56
    Referring Domains (RD) %65
    Spam Score (SS) %87
    Page Authority (PA) %41
    Trust Flow (TF) %83
    Domain Value (DV) %88
    Domain Pop (DP) %11
    URL Rating (UR) %45
    Citation Flow (CF) %18
    Key Metrics & Terms for Evaluating Domain Authority and Quality



    Key Metrics & Terms for Evaluating Domain Authority and Quality


Keyword Research Tools Related Metrics

Key Metrics & Terms for Evaluating Domain Authority and Quality

  • BL: Majestic External Backlinks, Click on the Number for Related Links (Not a certain number)
  • DP: SEOkicks Domain Pop – Number of Backlinks from different Domains
  • ABY: The Birth Year of the Domain using the first found Date from or ICANN
  • ACR: Number of Crawl Results (Reliable when it comes to expired domains)
  • Dmoz: Status of the Domain in (Updates not so frequently !)
  • C: DNS Status .com of Domain
  • N: DNS Status .net of Domain
  • O: DNS Status .org of Domain
  • D: DNS Status .de of Domain
  • Reg: Number of TLDs (Top Level Domains) the Domain Name is Registered
  • RDT: Number of Related Domains in .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info or .website and much more
  • Dropped: When the domain dropped or its been called expired domain.
  • Status: Status of the Domain (Available or Registered)


What is multi rank checker ?

Multi Rank Checker is a tool or a service consist of Rank Tracker, Keyword Finder, SERP Tracker, Web Audit, Backlink or Index Checker/Audit and Backlink Monitor tools offering in same service.

Key Metrics & Terms for Evaluating Domain Authority and Quality

What is Domain Taken Checker ?

Checks domain availability or taken by someone else or not (Purchasable).

Emma Turner

Emma Turner

Emma Turner, a digital marketing and SEO expert, has been actively involved in the field for over 12 years. After earning her business degree in 2009, Emma started her journey with a focus on web design. She has since evolved into a sought-after consultant for corporate firms, specializing in crafting SEO-driven content strategies that enhance online visibility. Emma remains dedicated to staying ahead of industry trends to provide clients with the latest and most effective solutions.

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