Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-2


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BacklInk IndexIng Tools: EffIcIency, Pros, and Cons part 2

How to index the backlinks naturally?

In order to index your links in natural way here are the suggestions below:

Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-2

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Good Content

First make sure you have the good content Google loves, exclusively written content and having answering a question so you need to do your research. Due to raise of Ai writers, articles written with Ai having such a small effect on your content cause they replicate the content written before and most of them like ChatGPT uses old data what Google loves is simply latest and true information you release.

*Hint Artificial Intelligence writers uses old data to generate articles or information, basically what you feed Ai turning into a knowledge so if you feed latest information to Ai writer and give the job to analyze and editoring the material you will improve your site content dramatically.

Getting Backlinks from Authority Sites

Like everything in life Quality over Quantity is valid for link building strategies

It`s crucial to avoiding backlink packages in the beginning cause you need to tell Google first what`s your site is actually about (First 10-15 Articles) (Removing non-relevant keywords from your site) and after then your site ready to receive link building process or indexing them.

So as a checklist :

  • Determine what your site is about use Keyword Research Tools for determine relevant topical authority keywords.
  • Remove non-relevant keywords from your website.
  • Exact or Broad Match keywords sites getting backlinks from.

(Same Keywords needs to be in both websites, if your website doesn’t have the keywords where you are getting your keywords from Google wont give you the authority or index on Search Engines) This is super crucial and problem with Backlink Packages is the same reason lots of keywords non-revelant to your content forcing Google and confuse the metrics.

  • Links you are getting needs to be in same category as a website

Meaning if your website have the content for E-Commerce backlinks needs to be coming from same kind of websites , If not that is also not helping you with Indexing on Google. Also will effect your site as bad ranking.

Always give backlinks to your articles or subpages never to Main Site in the beginning. (Main site backlinks needs to be given after your site ranked not in the beginning.)

After Getting Quality Backlinks from sites Google start seeing your site and your articles which you gave backlinks from will getting indexed. In order to grasp the situation, even more please read the Part I of Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-1

How to get a backlink indexed?

As been described above additional few tricks out there to show Google your site has a new content.

Make sure every subject on the checklist are green after that

You can send your Sitemap to Google Search Console or upload .XML file directly if you are using WordPress site I’m suggestion using Google Search Console and Google Analytics plugin for your website cause these services able to recognize your content internally on your site and gives you internal metrics also like what preventing your site from being indexed.

In the first part of the article I explained in depth here

Lets dive into to details if you interested in indexing process on Google`s end :

Lately people searching often this question ` Is there an easy and quick way to index backlinks in 2024? `due to constant changes Google release as we know as `Google Core Update` taking the Indexing game to a new level reason is Google taking backlinks as a consideration as a ranking factor for a long time but they also know link building could be made manually so they wanted to minimize the effect of backlinks for the authority and ranking needs to determine that website in question. But this is kinda difficult to do for one simple reason there not much of Google can do. If I need to clarify Google uses servers to scan or crawl your website and each crawl have a cost if they suddenly changed the ranking algorithm to fully scan and rank your site only for the content, costs will skyrocket on Google`s end. Remember biggest Advertising company on planet Earth is Google they roughly making 77.39 % of the income from running Ads if they suddenly change the cost of Scan it will effect the Search costs so they will loose money. What can they do also they are updating the current Core search algorithm to optimize the search results for the users.

Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-2Boost Your SEO Success – How to Rank Higher on GoogleBoost Your SEO Success – How to Rank Higher on Google

So that being said not in the close future we will see backlinks will loose their value. And we also know that from our Page CMS statistics unlike what Google told in their update link building hasn’t loose the value.

Is there an easy and quick way to index backlinks in 2024?

Short answer is Yes ! luckily

But there is another solution which is Page Indexer uses curated Backlink network also being called Prog Cloud (Programmatic Sites) network of Page Ads has please check the Page Backlink Indexer to solve your indexing issues once it for all.

How to index my backlinks fast? What are some suggestions?

If you gain authority on your website since beginning your indexing efforts became slim to none, if you don’t spend time and effort it always be a problem your site or blog to be shine.

Gain Authority First for the long run for Indexing

Best way to gain speed on indexing links are gaining authority on the website here are some suggestions on how to do it :

Purchase expired domains as the same category with your website and redirect them into your subpages to gain authority ( Frequency of redirection needs to be not less than 13 days to 1 redirect and never to your main page always use 301 Bridge Method.

301 Bridge Method

  • After buying the domains, set up a 301 redirect from your original website to the bridge domain.
  • Then, set up another 301 redirect from the bridge domain to your new website domain.

And here are some alternative suggestions:

Use the Power of Social Media Platforms, Web 2.0, RSS Feeds, Sitemap sent to Google Search Console its been explained in details in the first part of the Article.

Also don’t miss out the Yandex and Bing search engines by default some browsers or the regions using them as a default browser so make sure sending your sitemap to them also.

Once the other search engines recognize your site you will get additional direct traffic from them which helps your content to be index faster.

We will share detailed SEO checklist in the upcoming article its also beneficial for indexing

If you index your articles fast we recommend also checking our service Page Link Indexer

Generate a social media accounts to publish your Articles especially Linkedin posts getting indexed under a week if your content have niche long tail keywords as a title so recommend posting on Linkedin also.

Pinterest also good source for indexing and direct traffic if your offering nice or interesting images like infographics to educate the people. Pinterest users mostly visit the site from Google itself so they are looking for nice images to cover their articles or post them online don’t miss out Pin on Pinterest your images it helps your content to be indexed faster.

How long does it take for a URL to be indexed?

  • In normal conditions for a new website 3-30 days
  • For a well established and organic traffic having site 1-3 days
  • Google News registered sites also 1-2 days

To getting indexed

But not for your whole content sometimes you need extra help due to crawl rate limitations from Google so it`s helpful using Paid Indexers

Is backlink indexing important or not?

Its super important even if you are getting quality backlinks from authority sites unless your links doesn’t getting indexed that means nothing. Also if you have a good content and its time based or trend relevant topic you need to index them before your competition. If you don’t you miss the organic traffic chance and once you missed these opportunities in a raw Google will consider you a copy cat which is in the long run effect your site into a downwards slam. So for the health of your website and growth you need to index them no matter what otherwise all that work for nothing.

Also for the long run your content will devalued and site will turn completely non visible to users doing search.

Without indexing your articles, your content will not be a ranking factor at all for the whole site.

Google considers sites as a whole so even some of your content getting ranked and have organic traffic doesn’t mean from that traffic they will see your other content. If you looking to average visit timeframes (Total spent time on the website) it`s a huge factor of Google ranking. Wheun a user visits your site total time spent on that site lets say more than a minute Google consider your site have a good content and people enjoy spending time there. But if the bounce rate getting higher and higher means your content are not offering any solutions for the searches and your site will be reranked as lower.

What to do in your site ? to make your visitors spend more time answering questions directly and give the step by step details why ? compare to answer hidden in a long article they will not read the entire thing and think there is no answer in this site and they left. But if you give them the answer right away according to our research average spent time on that website not less than 30 seconds which is plenty for Google to consider your site having answers and giving step by step answers also effect scroll and interaction metrics so using a button to reveal the remaining of the solution is also super beneficial.

Emma Turner

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Emma Turner

Emma Turner

Emma Turner, a digital marketing and SEO expert, has been actively involved in the field for over 12 years. After earning her business degree in 2009, Emma started her journey with a focus on web design. She has since evolved into a sought-after consultant for corporate firms, specializing in crafting SEO-driven content strategies that enhance online visibility. Emma remains dedicated to staying ahead of industry trends to provide clients with the latest and most effective solutions.

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