Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-1


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Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-1

Does the backlink indexing tools work?

Short answer is YES ! when it comes to indexing tools are working but there are few things to cover in order to grasp the situation.

Efficiency of the backlink indexing tools is influenced by a variety of factors, leading to mixed outcomes. Below are some key points highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of using these services:

Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-1

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Here is how indexing tools works as a method :

General Methods for Indexing on Google

1.RSS Feeds (Placing links in RSS feeds interlink between webpages)
2.Social Link Placement (Posting Links on Social Media Posts)
3.Web 2.0 Sites Link Placement (Most common use also)
4.Sitemap Placement (Placing links on Website sitemaps)
5.301-302 Link Redirection (Redirection of domains to designated links)

Mostly 302 Permanent Redirection being chosen for this operation

All the methods forcing search engines to recognize your links in help with existing sites.

Benefits of using indexing tools (Advantages)

Time Efficiency

Backlink indexing tools can save valuable time and potentially increase your site’s visibility on search engines by making sure your backlinks are recognized.

Average Link Indexing timeframe took between 3-10 Days for these tools.

Sometimes it took more than that because Search Engines like Google`s algorithms not just they are blackboxes with thousands of parameters embedded in, they are also having a crawl limit so for each website Google have a credit to scan or crawl using this credit wisely sometimes became a challenge if you have more content Google can scan of it. So indexers became handy when it comes to this limits.


These tools provide a straightforward method for managing and expediting the submission of web pages for indexing especially having trouble with taking too much time scenarios

SEO Insights

Many tools offer useful analytics related to SEO performance, including updates on keyword rankings and keyword difficulties which sometimes becomes a main challenge when it comes to indexing. When the keyword difficulty increases getting indexed on that keyword getting harder due to competition with other websites. So key factor here your content needs to be more unique, quality and actually answering a specific question.

No Indexing Reasons on Google

Duplicate Content

(Copying and Pasting from another site with no editing or improving)

Ai Written Content

Ai writers have a great advantages but what you feed them as content turning into a article and search engines like Google doesn`t want this kind of content on their search results.

Website Authority

If the website have spammy links or bad backlinks from spam sites also a factor for no indexing

If you want to discover no indexing issues please check this guide here for full details.

Traffic Boost

Quality backlinks from reputable sources can enhance your site’s ranking and attract more organic traffic and most importantly staying in that position in search results. Once a website reached certain Domain and Page authority staying in that position became easier due to constant traffic and clicks to your website Google evaluate your website is trusted source for that information. And faster indexing of your articles gives you an edge for competition cause pretty much similar sites entering same kind of content in same timeframe who ever gets the first indexing gets the traffic that`s why link building in natural and non toxic way is recommended for the long run. Google News registration also recommended once your website reached certain domain value. Google news approved sites has faster indexing compared to normal sites.

Potential Drawbacks of indexer tools (Disadvantages)

Low Quality Indexing Services

Not all indexing services deliver; some might provide low-quality methods or backlinks that could negatively affect your site’s ranking. This is the part you need to be careful, you need to choose right service to send your links to faster indexing and no spam score assurance in the long run.

Dependency Issues

Relying on a third-party service for indexing means placing a lot of trust in their capabilities, which can be headache indexers only should use in case of your content not getting indexed in natural way (Google Crawl). Also happens to be if you bumping into a crawl rate limit.

Average Crawl Rate Limit for a new website is 15 MB according to latest information. Meaning Google have a 15 MB download of your sites newest changes and scan them.

Also average visit from Google for a new website is starting from 2 days to a 30 days. Reason why have such a huge gap is consistency and quality of your content, if you keep publishing higher quality content Crawler Bots will visit your site more frequently.

Over-reliance on Tools

Depending too much on artificial tools might lead you to overlook the importance of natural indexing processes, which search engines value more.

What is the best free backlink indexer?

There is no such thing as free in this World best way index your links free is wait for the Google to crawl your site or building links manually to connect your site. Is the only was the indexing backlinks services who claimed their service is free using spammy network of sites and it ended up your content getting marked as spam also.

Reason why backlink indexers cost money in order to get backlinks or the methods mentioned above have a cost so if someone offering free product .. you are the product.

Some service providers offers subscription based services but if you don’t have the urgency for each month sending thousands of links for to be indexed . Pay-As-You-Go based indexers are good option for you.

When it comes to free backlink indexers my suggestion is avoid them for all costs to your site to get de-ranked for your information when you submitting your links to this kind of sites they are using for their comment backlink operations cause you giving it to them send comments.

How to index other backlinks apart from our website faster?

For natural backlink indexing process, consider these methods:

First option is using Paid Indexer like Page Ads offering, private network of 10k + websites with lowest Domain Rating of DR 20+ helps you to Index your sites faster.

Second option is building links manually and here are some suggestions to consider :

Social Media Platforms for Indexing Backlinks

Share your backlinks on platforms like Twitter, Quora, Medium, and Pinterest. These sites often get indexed quickly by search engines due to high Domain Authority and constant organic traffic.


Good for if the account you publishing are high organic visitors


Good for organic search volume and it`s basically Q&A website so Google values Quora`s answer as top answer.


Same as Quora and with one difference articles having a moderation stage so without approval you are not getting at not recommending unless you have something to say with and placing only links are not allowed.

Blogging Platforms

Publish content with your backlinks on platforms like WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr. Search engines tend to index content on these platforms fast. Especially Tumblr is good for Indexing because of easy nature of creating an account and writing content and giving link to your money site.

All those options are good for if you performing Link Wheel (Giving links between pages to each other.)

Content Aggregation Sites

Use platforms like Mix to curate and share content containing your backlinks. This can help in faster indexing don’t forget to apply link wheel in this method more complex link structure forcing search engines to recognize your links even more.

Forums and Communities

Participate in relevant forums or communities where you can share your content and backlinks. Site like Reddit can be useful especially Reddit is kinda discussion forum people mostly asking questions and expecting to be answered and link publishing in Reddit allowed depending on which Reddit or Sub Reddit group moderators allowed.

Social Bookmarking

Submit your backlinks to social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon (Mix – Link Wheel), and Pocket to increase their visibility and indexing potential. Social Bookmarking sites are only good if your link have external links in it.

What is the best backlink indexing tool ?

Best Backlink Indexing Tool easy to say is Page Indexer

Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-1

Page Ads

Integrated with :

Index Checker (Checks whether is site indexed or not on Google)

SERP (Search Engine Ranking of your Site)

SERP Tutorial

Quickblog (Autoblog Generator) AutoPBN (For your more advanced link building requirements)

Backlink Gateway (Purchase Quality Backlinks with single click)

Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-1

Expired Domains (Marketplace for Expired high ranking domains)

Index Rate over %96 and compare to other indexing services Ranked first when it comes to Best Indexers for Backlinks

Backlinks are valuable when it comes to indexing and without visibility they mean nothing, doesn`t matter which site you getting them.

So due to entire SEO Tools in it`s arsenal can be launched with single click Page Indexer is a gold standard for backlink indexing.

How to get google to index my site faster?

There are several factors also as a checklist to make sure nothing prevents your site from getting indexed if you wanna learn indexing factors in depth please check the guide here

For Google to embrace your site you have make sure these checklist are all green.

*Hint: If you using WordPress site plugins in the WP Marketplace will help you to determine what`s missing in your site. Search Google for `WP SEO Plugin`

Submit a Sitemap

Create an XML sitemap and submit it to Google. Please check also GSC manual here

Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons Part-1

Monitor and Fix Issues

Use tools like Page Index Checker to check indexing status and address any problems and combination with Google Search Console to get more insights provided by Google itself. Also for referring links please use tools like Ahrefs or Page Keyword Research to determine incoming links in any case you don`t want them or feels like spammy links you can disavow them via GSC also.

Remove Nofollow Tags

Eliminate rel=”nofollow” tags from internal links.

Delete Noindex Tags

Check for and remove noindex meta tags.

Check Robots.txt

Ensure it doesn’t block search engines from indexing.

Remove Low-Quality Pages

Redirect or delete pages that add little value very crucial especially in the beginning of your SEO efforts imagine you having a thousand backlinks compared to ten backlinks referring to your website so proportion or percentages of spammy backlinks could effect your SEO dramatically. Keep in mind that first 10-15 content in your site needs to be high quality articles and needs to tell what your website about so Google can determine and categorize what your website about.

Avoid Duplicate Content

Remove duplicates or use rel=canonical tags maybe the most important subject when it comes to indexing is simply duplicate content not even getting indexed your site will de-ranking if search engines detect duplicate content.

Get Backlinks

Secure high-quality backlinks to improve indexing speed for Quality backlinks check Backlink Gateway for curated backlinks

Internal Linking

Link from popular pages to new content for faster discovery this is crucial especially for your users to spend more time in your site, more time means your content recognized as valuable for Google and raise your rating on relevant keyword on Google.

Read the second part of Backlink Indexing Tools: Efficiency, Pros, and Cons from here

Emma Turner

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Emma Turner

Emma Turner

Emma Turner, a digital marketing and SEO expert, has been actively involved in the field for over 12 years. After earning her business degree in 2009, Emma started her journey with a focus on web design. She has since evolved into a sought-after consultant for corporate firms, specializing in crafting SEO-driven content strategies that enhance online visibility. Emma remains dedicated to staying ahead of industry trends to provide clients with the latest and most effective solutions.

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